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intermodal drayage

We make the shipping process easy to deliver your goods smoothly.

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transloading services

In a tight delivery schedule? Let us help! We’ll take away that pressure from you!

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How will our trucking services help you? Find out about it here.

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xpress logistixs

introducing xpress logistixs

Need to move large or bulk items from one place to another? Don’t have the item-appropriate vehicle to transport it? Looking for a reliable freight partner? This is where XPRESS LOGISTIXS comes in!

We are your trusted trucking services provider in Minnesota. We can deliver your freight needs as quickly as you need them to be. With us, you are assured that your packages or cargoes will be delivered safely and on time. Partner with us today!

red truck running in a highway

our mission

our commitment

mission statement

Our mission is to offer trucking services that will bring client satisfaction. We are committed to meeting all the standards of a reliable freight partner.

about us

book online

Move your items securely with our trucking services! Enlist our services today!

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send your referrals

Do you know families or businesses needing our services? Refer them to us!

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reach out to us

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become a driver

Do you see driving as a profession? Apply today!

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request a quote

Do you want to know how much our services will cost you?

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meet our team

Get to know the people behind our success.

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